1.科恩快速创建检测任务接口 将80:8089 改成77:8090 2.定时任务获取测试用例完成情况时,若科恩平台将用例恢复测试,子任务完成进度不会变。加条where语句
1.科恩快速创建检测任务接口 将80:8089 改成77:8090 2.定时任务获取测试用例完成情况时,若科恩平台将用例恢复测试,子任务完成进度不会变。加条where语句
1.科恩快速创建检测任务接口 将80:8089 改成77:8090 2.定时任务获取测试用例完成情况时,若科恩平台将用例恢复测试,子任务完成进度不会变。加条where语句
Step 1. Fetch and check out the branch for this merge request
git fetch origin git checkout -b songyuanshuo origin/songyuanshuo
Step 2. Review the changes locally
Step 3. Merge the branch and fix any conflicts that come up
git fetch origin git checkout origin/dev git merge --no-ff songyuanshuo
Step 4. Push the result of the merge to GitLab
git push origin dev
Note that pushing to GitLab requires write access to this repository.
Tip: You can also checkout merge requests locally by following these guidelines.
This will create a new commit in order to revert the existing changes.