Commit 99f4e7a0 authored by 王飞's avatar 王飞



Reference N/A
parent 9f3ebdfe
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<select id="findLastChangeByTaskId" resultType="com.ruoyi.domain.ReviewSceneChangeTask">
SELECT * FROM t_review_scene_change_task WHERE id IN
SELECT MAX(id) FROM t_review_scene_change_task WHERE task_status = 'FINISH' AND task_result = 'PASS' AND id IN (SELECT review_scene_change_task_id FROM t_system_review_task_inbox WHERE system_review_task_id = 1737668929502830594 AND is_confirm = 0) GROUP BY review_scene_id
SELECT MAX(id) FROM t_review_scene_change_task WHERE task_status = 'FINISH' AND task_result = 'PASS' AND id IN (SELECT review_scene_change_task_id FROM t_system_review_task_inbox WHERE system_review_task_id = #{taskId} AND is_confirm = 0) GROUP BY review_scene_id
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